Chicken Noodle Soup


  • small chicken
  • salt, pepper
  • onion
  • few carrots and celery
  • store bought noodles

[Question to Dietrich Family: What kind of noodles?]


  • Boil a small chicken an hour or so.
  • Don’t boil on a high heat — just enough to keep it bubbling.
  • While chicken is cooking, add salt, pepper and onion to it somewhere along the line
  • Chicken can be put on a something in oven to keep warm
  • Then you just add a few cut-up carrots, celery.
  • Boil store bought noodles in separate water — drain water into sink and add noodles to broth.

That’s it. If you want you could make homemade noodles.

Homemade Noodles

More nourishing than store bought noodles. Tastes better.


  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons cold water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups all-purpose flower


  • Mix eggs, water and salt well.
  • Add Flour and kneed well.
  • Roll out with a rolling pin.
  • Shape into a roll and cut into the roll to make strips of desired width.

If you make more than you need, dry well and store in jar, plastic bag or freeze.

Roasted Chicken

Cooking Time

Six hours ideally. 1 to 1.5 hours minimally.


  • 3-4 pound chicken
  • salt
  • pepper
  • onion
  • dressing/stuffing optional


  • Wash chicken quickly and make sure all insides have been taken out.
  • Add salt, pepper and onion and put into a greased oven dish.
  • Cook in a slow oven.
  • Roasts and fowl should cook at 300 degrees (at least) for 1st half hr to kill any bacteria that could be present
  • Lower to just below 300 degrees for at least six hours — makes it very tender and juicy.
  • You could cook faster at 350 degrees for 1 to 1.5 hours if necessary.

If you want to add dressing [stuffing], the method is the same, but mix dressing and fill chicken’s cavity before cooking.

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