Beaches East Playground

Beaches East Playground – where Silver Birch Ave meets the lake. As far as I know this playground doesn’t have a formal name. We call it the “Purple Park” for obvious reasons.

It’s a nice little park. Best things about it are that its almost completely shaded and there is a nice cool breeze off the lake. It has a sandbox full of toys and a smattering of abandoned toys around though far fewer than a lot of other parks. The climbing equipment is new and almost identical to that found at Stanley Park. There’s not a lot here, but equipment is new and almost identical to that found at Stanley Park. There’s not a lot here, but I really like it. Seems more tranquil than most other playgrounds.

And there is a nice, clean public toilet with change tables in both the men’s and women’s washrooms just down the hill from the playground – about 100 feet away.


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