I admire Charlie Rose.
I have been watching The Charlie Rose Show for more than a decade (searchable archive here). He has interviewed everyone – world leaders, dictators, actors, singers, scientists, doctors, architects, authors, journalists, bloggers, judges, lawyers, titans of industry, philosophers, religious leaders – from every walk of life and pursuit.
He is the most balanced and engaging interviewer I know. His ability to draw out guests and provide a compelling viewing experience is renowned. Over the years, I have jotted down some of the Charlie Rose questions that have yielded compelling answers.
If you really want to get to know someone, try out some of these questions over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. I have had hours of interesting conversation with friends and family with these.
WARNING: Use them sparingly. If you fire them off at an unsuspecting questionee, you may find your friend feeling more like the victim of an inquisition than the participant in an intimate conversation! 
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