The Daleisphere Has Moved to Media Temple

media temple grid servers On Wednesday March 18, 2009, The Daleisphere was moved from a self-hosted server to Media Temple’s Grid-Service.

If you notice any problems with The Daleisphere flowing from the move, or otherwise, I would appreciate your leaving a comment.

Thanks to Dave Zatz for his constant help and guidance before, during and after the transition. Thanks also to the helpful support folks at media temple for making the transition reasonably painless.

For those interested, here are a few helpful resources I used when making the transition:

Welcome to The Daleisphere

So, why The new blog?

Dale PointingI’ve been a blogger for years now. My video game law and imedia law blogs were created to promote my legal practice. Occasionally I’d sneak in posts like this one, or this one, or this one, that were decidedly not about law at all.

As I drilled down into my Google Analytics stats, I noticed that the popular posts were frequently the ‘snuck in’, non-legal, posts. So, I thought, why not create a blog just for those kinds of posts?  And The Daleisphere was born.

Focus & Approach

eyeball focus New authors and playwrights are taught to write about what they know. The Daleisphere will be about what I know – topics within the ‘sphere’ of ‘Dales’ interests and influence (see below), but decidedly outside of the topics covered in my professional blogs.

Continue reading “Welcome to The Daleisphere”

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