According to a CBC News report that aired on “The National’” on Wednesday May 26, the teen pregnancy rate in Canada has declined 37% in the last 10 years. The report cites improved sex education and access by teens to contraceptives as the primary reasons for this large decline.
Canada now has less than half the teen pregnancy rate of the United States – 2.79% of Canadian teenaged girls 15 to 19 compared to 6.12% of teenage girls in the United States.
There is no better proof that the Bush-era policies of ‘just say no’, abstinence only programs and restricted access to birth control for teens have failed American teens.
Source: The CBC’s source was the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.
Good news for Canadian. Anyways, I’m not gonna get pregnant too much pain I’ll rather adopt… No pain and u save a kid I don’t have to worry about teen pregnancy becuz right now? I’m half way though collage and I said to my self I want date anyone until I’m settle and have a plan. thanks for the post. @RACHEL:)
Can’t believe we are talking of Canada and the US here. Teenage pregnancy is always common in third world countries. We have done a detailed post on it at