Live Free or Die Hard (2007)

3.5-rating  (3.5/5)

Reference: imdb6 | wikipedia12
Reviews: IMDb External Reviews | Rotten Tomatoes 81% | Metacritic 69%

Yippy Ki-yay! For the fourth time in nineteen years, Bruce Willis enjoyably reprises his irreverent role as Detective John McClane in Live Free or Die Hard.

live free or die hard (2007) - bruce willis and justin long

This is a fun, predictable, action-filled romp with a nonsensical plot and a nonsensical villain played unconvincingly by Timothy Olyphant.

live free or die hard (2007) police car crashes into helicopter

It’s the second movie I have seen featuring Justin Long – the Mac in the “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” commercials. Is it just me, or does Justin Long seem to you as if he is the result of Zack Braff and Keanu Reeves mating? True to form, he played a computer hacker in need of Detective McClane’s protection. Amusingly, there wasn’t a Mac in sight! 🙂 I enjoyed his performance – exactly what you’d expect. 

live free or die hard (2007) - kevin smith as warlock The always enjoyable Kevin Smith didn’t disappoint in an unexpected cameo role as the hacker guru Warlock. I also enjoyed the performance of Cliff Curtis (FBI Director Bowman) – a relative unknown actor that I’m starting to recognize more. 


live free or die hard (2007) bruce willis and justin long duck a flying car 
I can recommend this enjoyable, action-packed flick for an evening of good, old-fashioned, mindless movie-satisfaction. That’s exactly what I was hoping for when my buddy and I rented it in HD from Apple TV – and that’s exactly what we got. Yippy Ki-yay!

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