Pirate Ship Playground at Cherry Beach

The pirate ship playground beside the soccer fields at Cherry Beach is terrific. Nice soft floor under the ship and play structures. Lots to explore. Swings, teeter totter and the usual play things. Our kids love this place.

The best outdoor public toilet in the city that I’ve see is 100 feet away. Change tables in men and women’s bathroom. Water thermos refill station. Sadly, zero shade which is why I left it to a cool day before I ventured here.

Set Google maps to 115 Unwin Ave (see map below) and it takes you to the otherwise obscure entrance. Drive in and you will see it immediately on the left. Or bicycle from downtown. My wide pushed the kids here in the jogging stroller. There is feee parking immediately beside. At mid-day on a September weekday there was nobody here but us.

Updare Note: As of April 2017, parking which used to be paid parking is now free.

Same park, cloudy April day

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