So You Think You Can Dance (Season 4 – Top 16)

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Here’s the rundown on the June 25, 2008 performances of the remaining eight couples making up the season 4 top 16.  Susie and Marquis were voted off last week. (click images for a larger view)


So You Think You Can Dance - Twitch and Kherington (Twitchington) - Hip Hop - June 25, 2008Kherington/Twitch – Hip Hop (Don’t Touch Me – Busta  Rhymes): Who chose those So You Think You Can Dance - Twitch and Kherington (Twitchington) - Hip Hop 2 - June 25, 2008hideous orange overalls and why that song? They danced well enough, but the routine annoyed me. I don’t understand how the judges enjoyed it so much. In fairness, hip hop is about looking cool and tough. There’s nothing Kherington can do to pull off  an image of being tough given who she is. [Watch on YouTube]

So You Think You Can Dance - Courtney and Gev - Rumba 2- June 25, 2008Courtney G./Gev – Rumba (Wishing on So You Think You Can Dance - Courtney and Gev - Rumba - June 25, 2008a Star – Rose Royce): Wow! What a spectacular outfit for Courtney. What a vixen! Terrific rapport. Quite the subdued rumba. A bit stilted a few times, but I liked it a lot. The best performance by these two so far. [Watch on YouTube] buy mp3

So You Think You Can Dance - Comfort and Chris - African JAzz - June 25, 2008 Comfort/Chris – African Jazz (Beautiful People – Marilyn So You Think You Can Dance - Comfort and Chris - African Jazz 2 - June 25, 2008Manson): Finally, a routine I enjoyed with these two. Lots of  fun and well done. I still want to see Comfort voted off. Love the Marilyn Manson song. [Watch on YouTube] buy mp3

[June 27 Update: Comfort and Chris were in the bottom 3 couples this week. Chris was rightly voted off. Comfort was not. Why the judges like Comfort and keep her week after week is beyond my comprehension.]

So You Think You Can Dance - Jessica and Will - Disco - June 25, 2008 Jessica/Will – Disco (Heaven Must Have Sent You – Bonnie Pointer): It started off well. The first two lifts and twirls caught me off guard in a happy way because they were so seamless.  But then it started falling apart as the routien included too many lifts that were beyond them. Still, this is the best these two have done so far. I expect they’ll be in the bottom three tomorrow. [Watch on YouTube]

So You Think You Can Dance - Kourtni and Matt - Contemporary - June 25, 2008 Kourtni L/Matt – Contemporary (Wrestlers (Sticky, Dirty Pop Mix) – Hot Chip): This was the routine I was waiting for –  So You Think You Can Dance - Kourtni and Matt - Contemporary 2 - June 25, 2008Kourtni & Matt dancing her native contemporary.  The expressions on their faces in the picture on the right sums it up. What a let down. I hope this is the new choreographer Sonya’s last time on the show. Hated the lime green leotard. I can’t blame Kourtni and Matt for the poor material and costumes though. [Watch on YouTube] buy mp3

[June 27 Update: Kourtni and Matt were in the bottom 3 couples this week.]

So You Think You Can Dance - Chelsea and Thane - Quick Step 2 - June 25, 2008 Chelsea T./Thayne – Quick Step (You Can’t Hurry Love – Phil Collins):  When they got it, they got it. But most of that routine So You Think You Can Dance - Chelsea and Thane - Quick Step - June 25, 2008 they didn’t have it. Quick step is hard, very hard. I’m not sure if the Phil Collins song made it harder – though it did seem to be in the appropriate  time. I felt sorry for them. Two fish, very much out of water but trying ever so hard. If they had more time to learn the style they could have been much better. [Watch on YouTube] buy mp3

[June 27 Update: Chelsea and Thayne were in the bottom 3 couples this week. Chelsea was voted off. Thayne was not. The judges are nuts. Of the three women up this week she was the most deserving of staying.]

So You Think You Can Dance - Chealsie H and Mark - Lyrical Hip Hop - June 25, 2008 Chelsie H./Mark – Lyrical Hip Hop  (Bleeding Love – Leona Lewis): You can’t help but like these two. Mark So You Think You Can Dance - Chealsie H and Mark - Lyrical Hip Hop 2 - June 25, 2008 especially. They are fun to watch. This particular hip hop routine was just average for the show. They were out of sync too often. It was probably their least best so far. But these two are a solid couple and always enjoyable to watch. [Watch on YouTube] buy mp3

So You Think You Can Dance - Katee and Joshua - Samba - June 25, 2008 Katee/Joshua – Samba (Baila, Baila – Angela Via): My So You Think You Can Dance - Katee and Joshua - Samba 2 - June 25, 2008favourite couple. Fantastic. Not  perfect, but really good. I smiled a big smile the whole way through. I enjoy their chemistry and rapport. This is still the couple to beat. [Watch on YouTube]

Here’s an entertaining blog post and video review of this week’s performance

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