Chicken Noodle Soup


  • small chicken
  • salt, pepper
  • onion
  • few carrots and celery
  • store bought noodles

[Question to Dietrich Family: What kind of noodles?]


  • Boil a small chicken an hour or so.
  • Don’t boil on a high heat — just enough to keep it bubbling.
  • While chicken is cooking, add salt, pepper and onion to it somewhere along the line
  • Chicken can be put on a something in oven to keep warm
  • Then you just add a few cut-up carrots, celery.
  • Boil store bought noodles in separate water — drain water into sink and add noodles to broth.

That’s it. If you want you could make homemade noodles.

Roasted Chicken

Cooking Time

Six hours ideally. 1 to 1.5 hours minimally.


  • 3-4 pound chicken
  • salt
  • pepper
  • onion
  • dressing/stuffing optional


  • Wash chicken quickly and make sure all insides have been taken out.
  • Add salt, pepper and onion and put into a greased oven dish.
  • Cook in a slow oven.
  • Roasts and fowl should cook at 300 degrees (at least) for 1st half hr to kill any bacteria that could be present
  • Lower to just below 300 degrees for at least six hours — makes it very tender and juicy.
  • You could cook faster at 350 degrees for 1 to 1.5 hours if necessary.

If you want to add dressing [stuffing], the method is the same, but mix dressing and fill chicken’s cavity before cooking.

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