Get Rid of AVG’s ‘No Virus Found’ Email Footers

image I highly recommend Grisoft’s AVG’s Free antivirus software (v. 8.x available here) and the free Windows Defender (spyware protection) to my friends and family as cornerstone software in the ongoing battle to keep their computers safe and secure. AVG is powerful and very processor efficient. In other words, it doesn’t suck the life out of your computer like Norton and McAfee do.

But with the default AVG installation settings, pesky "No Virus Found" footers like the one shown below appear at the end of every email you send and receive.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.10/1421 – Release Date: 07/05/2008 5:23 PM

They are pointless and serve only as a marketing tool for AVG. They become especially egregious as they pile up, one after the other, at the end of long email discussions.

With a few tweaks to the default AVG settings, they can easily be removed.

Below I show you how to get rid of them in both AVG 8 and the older AVG 7.5.

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