The African Queen (1951)

African Queen

3.5-rating  (3.5/5) romance – comedy – adventure

Director John Huston’s, The African Queen (1951) is one of Humphrey Bogart’s and Katharine Hepburn’s most famous movies. Bogie won his only Oscar for his portrayal of an alcoholic captain of a river boat, the African Queen. Hepburn was nominated as Best Actress for her performance as a straight-laced missionary (loosing out to Vivien Leigh in Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951)).

African Queen Poster After the German’s attack  Hepburn’s African mission, Bogart offers to hide her away and wait out the war. The feisty Hepburn wants to take on the German’s instead.

I’ve always admired the strength and pluck of Hepburn’s characters – playing strong-willed, independent women, long before it was common in Hollywood. She doesn’t disappoint in the African Queen. Bogie, as a somewhat subservient drunkard, is a little out of character in this role – but not by much.

My favourite line from the movie: “I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution”

Will she make him a better man? Can he open her up? Will they make it out of Africa alive? Check out this family-friendly movie to see for yourself.

Reference: IMDB External Reviews | AFI’s 17th Best Movie of all Time

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