In Bruges (2008)

in bruges (2008) movie poster3.5 rating  (2/5) comedy, crime, drama

Reference: imdb6 | wikipedia12
Reviews: Roger Ebert (4 of 4) | IMDb External Reviews | Rotten Tomatoes 81% | Metacritic 67%

I would sum of In Bruges as follows: Mobsters lay low in the story-book town of Bruges Belgium – and nothing happens. This movie was simultaneously boring and amusing. Amusing because each of Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes were amusingly quirky. Jordan Prentice, a Canadian Dwarf, was also very good.

Once again, fine performances do not alone a fine movie make. All of the main actors were good. But I kept waiting for something interesting to happen. Nothing did.

in bruges (2008) brendan gleeson and colin farrell

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The Reader (2008)

the reader (2008) poster 4.5 rating  (4.5/5) romance – drama

Reference: imdb6 | wikipedia12

Reviews: Roger Ebert | IMDb External Reviews | Rotten Tomatoes 59% | Metacritic 58%

The Reader (2008) is a powerfully complex movie, both beautiful and sorrowful, romantic and tragic.

Kate Winslet is within my top 10, perhaps top 5, all time favourite actresses. She is once again fantastic here – playing a compelling character that I simultaneously felt empathy and revulsion for. It’s a sin that 6-time-nominated Kate Winslet has never won an Oscar. She ‘should’ be a shoe-in for best Actress for this performance.

The most poignant line from the movie is ‘It’s not what you think, its what you do that matters’. The surprisingly good newcomer, David Kross convincingly played a naive teen and a mid-20’s law student struggling, years later, with what to think and what to do.the reader (2008) david kross reads to kate winslet on the bed

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