So You Think You Can Dance (Season 4 – Top 16)

The Guy Known as 'Sex' on So You Think You Can Dance[Top 20] [Top 18] [Top 16] [Top 14]
Here’s the rundown on the June 25, 2008 performances of the remaining eight couples making up the season 4 top 16.  Susie and Marquis were voted off last week. (click images for a larger view)


So You Think You Can Dance - Twitch and Kherington (Twitchington) - Hip Hop - June 25, 2008Kherington/Twitch – Hip Hop (Don’t Touch Me – Busta  Rhymes): Who chose those So You Think You Can Dance - Twitch and Kherington (Twitchington) - Hip Hop 2 - June 25, 2008hideous orange overalls and why that song? They danced well enough, but the routine annoyed me. I don’t understand how the judges enjoyed it so much. In fairness, hip hop is about looking cool and tough. There’s nothing Kherington can do to pull off  an image of being tough given who she is. [Watch on YouTube]

So You Think You Can Dance - Courtney and Gev - Rumba 2- June 25, 2008Courtney G./Gev – Rumba (Wishing on So You Think You Can Dance - Courtney and Gev - Rumba - June 25, 2008a Star – Rose Royce): Wow! What a spectacular outfit for Courtney. What a vixen! Terrific rapport. Quite the subdued rumba. A bit stilted a few times, but I liked it a lot. The best performance by these two so far. [Watch on YouTube] buy mp3

So You Think You Can Dance - Comfort and Chris - African JAzz - June 25, 2008 Comfort/Chris – African Jazz (Beautiful People – Marilyn So You Think You Can Dance - Comfort and Chris - African Jazz 2 - June 25, 2008Manson): Finally, a routine I enjoyed with these two. Lots of  fun and well done. I still want to see Comfort voted off. Love the Marilyn Manson song. [Watch on YouTube] buy mp3

[June 27 Update: Comfort and Chris were in the bottom 3 couples this week. Chris was rightly voted off. Comfort was not. Why the judges like Comfort and keep her week after week is beyond my comprehension.]

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