Teacher’s Pet (1958)


3.5-rating  (3.5/5) romance – comedy

Neither Clark Gable nor Doris Day are in the pantheon of my all-time favourite classic movie actors. But in Teacher’s Pet  they are at the top of their game.

teacher's-pet Gable plays a gritty, ‘unpressed gentleman of the press’, who learned his craft the hard way – from the ground up. Day is a journalism professor. Gable has little use for the likes of Day’s profession, describing it as “amateurs teaching amateurs how to be amateurs.” Day believes that journalism should be elevated above that of a mere trade – that in the era of TV and radio competition, the press needs to tell more than just ‘what’ happened. They can and should dig deeper, get the story behind the story, and tell the public ‘why’ it happened.

Can these two butting heads learn a thing or two from the other?

This is a terrific starter movie for wannabe classic movie fans. It’s light, witty and fun. It’s my second favourite Clark Gable film after The  Misfits (1961)  and one of my favourite classic movie romances. I’d go as far as to say that the sassy 34 year old Doris day was even sexy in this movie (quite different from the later ‘professional virgin’ roles that she became famous for). Though with Gable at 57 (just 4 years before his death), its a bit of a stretch to think these two could be a match.

Clark Gable was nominated for a Best Actor Golden Globe (but didn’t win). Character actor Gig Young, the third in this film’s love triangle, was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar in a Supporting Role (but didn’t win). The movie was also nominated in the Best Screenplay category at the Oscars and also did not win.

In the era where the Internet and the blogisphere are impinging the press even further than radio or TV ever did, this movie is ripe for a modern day remake.

Reference: IMDB External Reviews

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