Washing Wine Glasses in the Dishwasher – Safely!

wineglasses in dishwasher with elastic bandBeing a bachelor, I’m averse to washing dishes by hand whenever possible. Last November I found myself searching Google for ‘dishwasher safe’ wine glasses.  I wanted to add a Canadian etailer link to my Christmas wishhh list on www.wishhh.com (check it out, you’ll like it).

It’s surprisingly difficult to find ‘dishwasher safe’ wine glasses. Instead, I found a host of wine-glass-in-dishwasher solutions like this one and this one. These  products amount to little more than fancy ways to ensure that wine glasses are secured so that they do not bounce around (or into each other) during the wash cycle.

Knowing that the probability of my family actually granting such a Frasier-esque wishhh was low (shopping online still being a familial novelty for most), it occurred to me that securing wine glasses by the stem with an everyday elastic band might just do the trick.

wineglasses before dishwasher wineglasses after dishwasher

I was right. In 10+ rounds of wineglass dishwashing since, I haven’t lost a wineglass to this method yet. Hitherto my elastic band solution, I’d loose a glass or two during most every wash cycle.

This works for two wine glasses or 8. The elastic must be tight enough to keep the glasses securely lashed to each other so they do not move around. When only one glass needs cleaning, I secure it to another dish in the same way or I wash it by hand.

Party DishwasherMaybe someday I’ll purchase one of these. Ha! 🙂 In the mean time, my elastic band work just fine.

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